We recognize that with payment options, like with most things, there is not a one size fits all solution.
This is why, for your convenience, we accept several payment options that fit within our Pay-at-the-Desk Policy. Our Pay-at-the-Desk Policy helps avoid the high cost of billing, thus keeping your visits less costly. All payments for services and insurance o-pays are due at the time of service unless you have arranged a payment plan with us before having your dental work performed.
We accept most insurance companies’ Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Plans and will file your claim as a courtesy to you. We do our best to gather your dental benefit plan information from your insurance company; however, the information that is provided to us varies from company to company. It is important for you to know your plan’s information, which your insurance company is obligated to give you.
Regular trips to the dentist are needed to maintain the health of your teeth and gums. For people without dental coverage, cost often can stand in the way of getting the dental care they need. It's not surprising, many people put off going to the dentist for that very reason but now with our Discount Dental Plan you don't have to!
This affordable plan brings dental care within your reach. The price of two cleanings completely pays for this plan with the added benefits of receiving a discount on dental work. We hope this plan will help our loyal patients by reducing out of pocket dental expenses. Please follow the link for more information and paperwork to enroll. Please email the forms to records@bartlettparkdental.com
We accept cash, checks, and major credit and debit cards. Please be aware, there is a $30 fee for returned checks.
We accept payment from these accounts, if payment is through a major credit or debit card. We will be more than happy to provide you with any receipts that you might need for these accounts.
We accept Care Credit. They offer a 0% interest options ranging from 6 months to 18 months. To apply for a CareCredit, click here.
We do our best to accurately estimate what your dental benefit will be from your insurance company; however, this is not always possible. If, for any reason, your insurance company does not pay the estimated amount and a balance remains on your account, there are three ways in which to remit payment:
1) Pay in person by stopping by our office
2) Pay over the phone by by giving us a call at (901) 372-7283
3) Mail your payment to the office
Bartlett Park Family Dentistry
Attn: Billing Department
2835 Summer Oaks Drive
Bartlett, TN 38134